Why Green Real Estate Investing Is Your Best Strategy For Increased Profits

Real estate investors are finally opening their eyes to the enormous opportunity green real estate investing offers. If you've ever read the book, "The Purple Cow", by Seth Godin then you know the value and necessity of NOT being a brown cow, but PURPLE!

Well guess what, Green real estate investing is the new purple when it comes to differentiating yourself amongst the endless supply of sellers in this current market and green investing is your golden ticket to higher ROIs, easier marketability, and a healthier end product which all lead towards your profits increasing.

As an Architect specializing in sustainable green building, eco-design, and renewable energies, coupled with my passion for real estate and development it is my mission to help you, the curious "green" investor to discover how you can profit from the many benefits green investors (your competition) have already discovered and advancing in each day.

What I wanted to do is just discuss a few of the reasons green real estate investing and green minded investors can make more money by choosing the eco-smart application. After all, you're an investor, not a tree-hugger. However, it's time to marry the age old adage, what is good for the environment is truly good for business.

Green real estate investing in the midst of this turmoil economy, if you choose to believe so, has been at somewhat of a standstill, until now. Green value is surfacing as opposed to green theory and ideas; beginning to see actual profits and implementation from the green building / investing community we are seeing investors take action on technologies, materials and rebates to off-set upfront costs and produce an overall product which is superior to its counterpart. The good news though, it's the home buyers who are really seeing the perceived increase in value.

As green products become easier, cheaper, more cost effective and healthier, resulting in greater demand from buyers, investors are beginning to take notice. Coupled with the ability to gain greater forecasts on the tangible numbers (and I know how we all love the REAL numbers of a property investment) investors are able to calculate efficiency ratings which are beginning to make their way to the balance sheet thus proving a positive financial outcome when compared to traditional investments.

Green Real estate investing is only getting bigger as governments, states and local authorities, combined with home buyer perception increases. At this time you have two choices - blend in with the brown cows or set yourself apart and blow your competition out of the water with the ever increasing, profitable, and worldly just strategy of the new decade!

Are you an investor looking to implement sustainable strategies in your projects to gain higher marketability and ROI? Trying to find the resources you need to make the right decision? With multiple years of experience in Architecture, Real Estate, Design and Construction, Andrew Hilton can help guide you to your COST SAVING, energy SAVING and healthier property, today. Click Here [http://www.eco-realestateeducation.com] to find the highest ROI strategies you can implement to get the maximum savings you, your buyer, and our planet deserve!


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