Getting in on Green Real Estate

If you need to sell your home but are having difficulty interesting buyers, there is an alternative available. The green real estate market has skyrocketed in the past five years, thanks to new interest in sustainable living and the passing of eco-friendly legislature. Here are some tips for transforming your home from dull listing clutter to green real estate commodity.

Invest in Making Green Real Estate

If you are truly committed turning your home into a green paradise, and thus make it more marketable, you may have to make a large investment. Map out the types of changes you want to accomplish, such as adding solar panels and water efficiency kits. Determine how much each project would cost, whether you can do it yourself or have to hire someone to do it for you, and how long the project will take.

With all of this in mind, research the kinds of houses that have made these adjustments and how much they have sold for. Contact a selling agent to ask questions. Get a home appraisal prior to these green projects, and also ask them their opinion on how much your home would be worth after the projects were completed.

Small Ways to Make Your Home Eco-Friendly

If you simply cannot afford the investment, or you don't think the investment will yield greater returns, there are small things you can do to make your home more marketable as green real estate.

Check your home's energy efficiency. Replace any insulation that may be allowing heat to escape. Check doors and windows for cracks in panes, sealant fails, or even holes. These small repairs will all save big on heating and air conditioning costs.

Replace your regular light bulbs with energy efficient CFL, or compact fluorescent lights. Also, install new showerheads and faucets, replacing them with low-flow technology. This will save water. Installing an insulating jacket around your water heater saves money and energy.

Plant a Tree

One of the simplest and best ways to make your home green is to actually surround it with green! Planting a tree outside will produce shade in the summer, and can reduce cooling costs by up to twenty-five percent. Trees and shrubs can also block strong winds from your home, which prevent them from coming in through compromised windows or leaks in your doors. This can save on your heating costs by up to twenty percent.

In the summer time, your home will be more attractive to potential green buyers if it is surrounded by plants and flowers. You can purchase cheap flowers ready for planting from a local greenhouse. Ask the greenhouse attendant for how to plant and care for the flowers if you are not sure.

It is also easy to make your home appear greener during the winter time. Keep plants and flowers indoors. Be sure to water them as needed, and consult online manuals for how to care for particularly tricky plants. As soon as a potential buyer walks in and sees that your house is a great place to have plants, the chances are that they will be more interested.

Promoting your house as a piece of green real estate can make it much more marketable. Decide whether you can make big investments like solar panels or replacing appliances with energy efficient ones. If not, there are many small things you can do to make your home more eco-friendly and attract those green buyers.
Beverly Manago is a freelance writer focused on the real estate industry. She is also a consultant for My Single Property Website, a web 2.0 marketing tool that lets real estate agents create stunning virtual tours and single property sites easily, with a free version available for listing presentations. She also contributes to the What Home Sellers Want there.


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